How to edit unity materials using unity assets bundle extracter

broken image
broken image

If I remove the CAB folder, and take everything inside it and put it into the immediate folder:

broken image

DisUnityProcessor: Can't process sounds0.unit圓d, caused by : sounds0\CAB-sounds0Īt .anslateToIOException(Unknown Source)Īt .WindowsException.rethrowAsIOException(Unknown Source)Īt .WindowsFileSystemProvider.newFileChannel(Unknown Source)Īt .open(Unknown Source)Īt .(Īt .(Īt .(Īt .DisUnityProcessor.processAssetBundle(Īt .n(Īt .DisUnit圜圜Īt .DisUnit圜li.main(DisUnit圜 /disunity_v0.3.1/disunity.bat bundle-inject sounds0.unit圓d /disunity_v0.3.1/disunity.bat extract sounds0.unit圓d

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